Making Sense of Covid – Part 4
30) Fact Checking The Giant Organisations… And The ‘Fact Checkers’
Before we move on to talk about the Globalists’ agenda, let’s first see some of the real faces of the big faces. For more than a year since the outset of Covid, I was baffled at how what I heard about Covid mostly didn’t make much sense, and wondered how there was nobody who could say anything that was sensible. Turns out, it wasn’t that there wasn’t anybody saying, but that what they said could not reach me.

So many different news stations and newspapers, but only one single script. We all know to various degrees that the mass media is not really trustworthy, but nevertheless, we still rely on them to a great extent. There aren’t that many media outlets in Singapore, but we all know that they have always been the mouthpiece of the government.
Here is an important video on why we can’t trust the information passed down top down to us.
And watch this. This is how untrustworthy the mainstream media is. They spin fanciful stories out of everyday stuff, with the explicit intention to scare us into doing things they want us to do. And, according to the presenters, it seems that this kind of briefings happen on a frequent basis. Wow.
They have fake quack doctors reading off a script.
And here is the editor of Daily Mail telling his journalists to ‘keep running stories calling out anti-vax weirdos’. There is no neutrality. This is not journalism at all.
The media has always been pulling the wool over our eyes, truly taking us as dimwits. It’s just what they are great at, or should we say, the main thing they do. We don’t have to go back to the 911 Conspiracy, let’s just look at something recent. I’m sure you’ve seen recently the video of the plane taking off from Afghanistan with scores of civilians running after it. Supposedly, there were people falling to their death from the plane. But turns out, this is just again another staged scene.
The quackery is not limited to what have been pointed out in the video above. Pay a little more attention to the plane and see if you can find anything… erm, newsworthy.

The plane itself is just a huge inflated balloon! Look at the windows! What kind of plane would have windows like that? Did you suspect something was amiss when you first saw the video clip? How in the world can you run after a plane taking off without being blown away by the force of the plane taking off?
Not only do they twist facts, they ‘predict’ the future for you too.
And so, dear readers, read the mainstream media just to know what ploys they are cooking up, because you need to know your enemies. Be entertained, but never trust them.
We think that times are different, and we have a lot more avenues to receive news. We have Google where we can find almost anything we want. We have social media, where anybody can share anything they want. We have Snopes and the like, whose job is to weed out misinformation. Turns out, we are dead wrong.
While we have been aware that there are trackers and stuff that invade your privacy, the extent of the maliciousness of these groups is beyond what we imagine. Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Wikipedia, etc… are a lot more powerful and high-handed than we realise. They manipulate your search, censor what you post, and outright de-platform, erase, delete accounts they don’t like. And Snopes, instead of filtering out falsity, promotes just that – falsity. The sudden rise in the number of ‘fact checkers’ the past year or so is a telling sign that this industry has a lot more going on behind.
Let’s see how dishonest and unscrupulous Google is. First, here’s a comparison of what comes up when we search for ‘vaccine magnetism’. On the left is Google that shows pages that debunk or question the magnetic syndrome, whereas on the right is DuckDuckGo that shows a much more objective slew of options.
And here is something intriguing. Let’s see what goes on behind the manipulation. The dishonesty is truly abhorrent.
We really should ditch Google for good, when we are searching for important information, like Covid related stuff. As we have seen from the above video, they are being funded by Big Pharma. There can be no objective search results from Google. I must admit though that it took me some time to get used to DuckDuckGo, because it is, well, so unbiased it doesn’t pander to my likes, nor try to push me anything, so there’s more active work on my part to find the needed information. Google must have tracked me for too long, and I must have been too used to being manipulated.
Censorship on social media is very real too, even for normal folks. Here are some screenshots of us small fish being censored.
YouTube has even outright declared that they will ban all anti-vaccine content.
And why are they so robust in deleting the accounts of those speaking the truth, and censoring even nobodies like us? Are they really fact checking? Or fact deleting? Well, the truth is dirty. It’s exactly what we see in the movies! It seems that in most cases, the bona fide misinformation spreaders are the fact checkers themselves!

We get why Reuters keeps recommending the shots. This Chairman of Thomson Reuters Foundation is also Board Member of Pfizer!
Here is a leaked video from Facebook. Back in July 2020, Zuckerberg already knew what was going on, that the so-called vaccines change your DNA, that the jab is a gene editing therapy! And then in November 2020 he goes on to innocently ask the same question pretending that he doesn’t know.
And here, a whistleblower tells of how Facebook manipulates the algorithm to help push the narrative.
Here is how the social media work with CDC.

The big social media platforms don’t just censor and delete accounts they don’t like. They also create MANY accounts that they like. Look at this.
And well, even influencers, are really influenced by them. Now it’s clear why so many celebrities are joining in to urge you to jab.

It’s actually nothing strange or hard to understand. As Robert F. Kennedy says in this video, people in authority lie. This is just human nature. When you have too much power, you fall into the illusion that you are above all else and can do anything you want.
So we can’t trust the mass media. Neither can we trust the social media. Nor the fact checkers. And we have to take the posts and tweets of influencers and celebrities with a huge pinch of salt.
Who else should we stop trusting? The big authoritative organizations that the world has been told to trust and follow.
First, the WHO.
We saw how the CDC coordinated with Facebook to fool us, but here’s more on their dirty history.
Here are just some of the donors of CDC Foundation.
The FDA showcases the revolving door with no hint of shame at all. Look at where the Commissioners go.

We have already seen how unreliable they are when they approved such a dangerous vaccine, ignoring all the serious adverse events and deaths. It’s no wonder, since most of the funds they get are from drug companies.
In an interesting twist of events, two top FDA leaders are leaving.
Here is an excerpt from the article:
A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.
All this talk about corruption cannot be complete without mentioning Bill Gates. I have shared in Part 3 (Point 18. Depopulation) the real Bill Gates. There’s still a lot about Bill Gates that most of us are not aware of, so here is another video.
Just look at the web of ties he has with all the big organizations.

And look at this discovery.
And here is another.
The dirty connections just seem endless. If you want to know more about the devious schemes this monster has operated over the years, I highly recommend that you check out here, here.
And if you think that it’s just Pfizer and Moderna that are scary, that Chinese brands like Sinovac are better, you’d better think twice. Many Singaporeans think that Sinovac is better because it is non-mRNA. But we have seen that the side effects of the vaccines happen to people all over the world. No matter what jab you take, it’s all the same. We thought we had different options. We are under the impression that the Chinese are not on good terms with the US. But just look at these.
Bill Gates and the Chinese CCP are all in this huge fraud together. The first four images show that they have signed agreements, and the last two are the list of CCP members who are on the Pfizer Board. You have been led to believe that you have a choice. You don’t. It’s all an illusion. They are all part of the same big evil gang.
31) The Big Pharma
We know by now that behind all the falsehoods that we have seen, is the Big Pharma. The term is used to refer to the large pharmaceutical companies that have been the powerful force behind making people perpetually sick as they make huge bucks, while maintaining the facade of saviour. We have seen how even Google and the social media, which were supposed to be synonymous with freedom, are piloted by them, and how agencies like the FDA and CDC all have deep ties with them. They are the invisible hand and are seemingly invincible. The video below traces back to how this power came about, and how natural and traditional medicines have now become ‘alternative’. Remember the Rockefeller Foundation, that I said you should remember in Part 3: (17. The Plandemic)? Here they are again.
If you think deep enough and connect the dots, you should be able to see that it is not in the medical industry’s interest that people maintain their health. I’m not saying that doctors per se are bad people. There are many wonderful, angelic doctors that truly have the best interests of their patients at heart, and we have seen many during this plandemic. But the industry behind them is fraught with selfish mercenary objectives.
Let’s look at Pfizer, the company that supposedly makes a vaccine that supposedly can bring Covid to an end. Pfizer is a fraudster plain and simple. Just look at their horrible track record!

Why would such a criminal company care even the slightest for your health? Their track record has shown that they can do almost absolutely anything just to make big bucks. It’s insane that such a company is even still allowed to be in operation, much less to be making a miracle vaccine that can supposedly end the pandemic to save the whole world! Are you sure you want to entrust your health to them?
The Big Pharma’s power is unimaginable. Look at this.
It sounds bizarre that a pharmaceutical company seems more powerful than the government of a country. We have seen a lot of such scenes in movies, and apparently, that is reality. Pfizer is a huge bully, that can even request countries for their military bases as collateral. Unbelievable.
In July, the Pfizer contract with governments was leaked, and from the contract we can see why our governments are pushing so hard to jab their citizens. To sum it up, basically once our governments sign the ridiculous contract, there is no going back, and they are totally controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer is simply a group of mafia. (You can read the details here, here, here.)
In this video you can see so many other huge organisations are all heavily invested.
32) The Censored, Deleted and… Assassinated?
We normal folks who try to share some stuff on the internet get warnings or banned. The more prominent people whose words weigh a ton, are of course given harsher treatments. Most of them cannot be found on the main platforms. Nowadays, most have turned to alternative platforms like Odysee, Bitchute, Rumble, etc. We are now familiar with all the online censoring and deleting. Let’s look at some others that happen offline, in real life.
French Professor Christian Perronne, whom we saw in Part 3: (29. Shedding/ Transmission), was dismissed as head of department.
Dr. Anne McCloskey was suspended for speaking about the harms of the jabs.

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Canadian doctor who has been actively speaking up about the dangers of the vaccine, was removed from hospital duty. And, you probably heard of the terrible fire that almost wiped out Lytton, a town in Canada. That happened to be where Dr. Charles Hoffe’s clinic was located. If you are interested, you can read about it here, and if you do, do watch the video at the end of the article by Amazing Polly.
Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology, had his name removed from Wikipedia for speaking up against the vaccines.
In Singapore, we had twelve doctors who co-signed an open letter in May, warning us about the dangers of the vaccines (here is the word document). They were shot down immediately (see here, here), and 11 of the 12 doctors retracted their names. The only doctor who maintained his stance was Dr. Khoo Boo Kian. And then in June, there was another open letter penned by five doctors, and they, again, were blasted immediately.
And then there are many mysterious deaths. These are after all just suspicious deaths, but they are too coincidental that we cannot completely ignore.
Dr. Kary Mullis (whom I mentioned in Part 1: 2. Fraudulent Tests), the inventor of the PCR test and who spoke up strongly against Dr. Fauci and the abuse of the test, died shortly before the Covid outbreak.
Dr. Bodo Schiffmann (whom I mentioned in Part 2: 15. To Mask Or Not To Mask), who fought vehemently for the children, died some time early this year, with not much information that we can find.
The more intriguing one is probably the deaths of the African leaders. Within 13 months, from Jun 2020 till Jul 2021, five leaders had died, and one survived an attempted assassination. The President of Haiti was assassinated while the other three officially died from heart disease or cancer. It seems that the common link between them is their opposition against the Covid jabs. We saw in Part 1 (2. Fraudulent Tests) how President John Magufuli did not trust the PCR test. His death, in particular, seemed quite fishy. While we don’t have proof that they were assassinated for being against the jabs, that they all died within such a short time is some food for thought. Here is a piece of writing that believes so, if you are interested.

And here is an interesting tweet from Dr. Robert Malone. Perhaps all the outspoken doctors and scientists and activists should all announce that they are not suicidal.

33) Out With The Old Normal, In With The New Normal
When I heard our government using the phrase ‘the new normal’ during the early Covid days, I thought it sounded a little fancy. Then I realised it wasn’t just our government that was talking about ‘the new normal’. It seems that the whole world is obsessed with it! Let’s first watch this. Notice the date of the first announcer – Jun 2019!
This is part of how they are getting us prepared for, well, the new normal. In this next clip, we are told in no ambiguous terms that there will be no return to the old normal.
I hope it makes you realise once again how they have been fooling us. We have been reassured again and again that in order to get back to normal, we have to all take the vaccine.

But now, they are telling us that the vaccine will not take us back to normal! Oh actually, it will take us back to normal, just not the old normal that we knew, but the new normal that they have prepared for us. Just what is the old normal? And what is the new normal?
34) WEF, UN, Agenda 2030, New World Order And The Great Reset
We have seen how dishonest, unscrupulous and evil the media, the authorities, the international agencies and the big corporations are. Now we need to go back to what we were discussing – the reason for the Covid hoax, as well as get to know the real faces of two other big organisations – the World Economic Forum and the UN.
There are also a few names to get familiar with. Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. New World Order. One World Government. The Great Reset. The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Agenda 21 was a pact signed in 1992 for a ‘better’ 21st century, with the aim to achieve the goals by 2050. Agenda 2030 is essentially the same plan, rebranded and accelerated for the targets to be reached by 2030.
The New World Order is, well, literally a new world order, where a One World Government rules. No more national borders or individual governments. Only a central government that governs the whole world.
The Great Reset, introduced by Klaus Schwab, the founder of WEF, is just another nicely put propaganda to push their agenda. He even published a book on it. The Covid pandemic is, as he says, the great opportunity to reset everything on earth. But of course, we know by now that it’s not an opportunity. Rather, Covid was planted so that they can do the reset.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is again part of the whole plan, whereby the old things will be replaced by new ones, driven by AI. What does this translate to? That humans will be made redundant. Does it now sound more compelling why depopulation is necessary? With robots that can be easily controlled, why would they need humans that can think, have emotions, and can defy orders when they put their thoughts and emotions into action?
Let’s unravel all this bit by bit.
So where does this depopulation idea stem from? Is it really because the world is overpopulated? We need to look far beyond that.
The ‘elites’ were, and still are, thinking that they are above us. They think that we are just born to be a burden. What they want is a One World Government that consists of just them, the rulers, and us, the slaves. No more middle class, which is, the vast majority of us. They don’t really want to remove everybody. They want to get rid of the vast majority, and retain a small proportion of us, just enough for them to control.
Hear it from Dr. Mahatir. This was in 2015.
Here is a glimpse of their hair-raising plan. This is the world they have in store for us – one that is diabolic, hellish, satanic.
The above three pages are from a book by Dr. John Coleman, an intelligence analyst, back in 1991. It’s hard to read because it’s so demonic, but I hope you did. Among the horrific things they are going to do, is the plan to eliminate at least 4 billion ‘useless eaters’, a term which funnily enough, we have a ready translation in Singapore – the jiak liao bee’s. Interestingly, they want half of the remaining population to be Chinese and Japanese. Not because they are outstanding races, but because they are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

You can download the PDF version here.
Does the above sound too harrowing, and therefore, fictitious? Well, see this joint letter by Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and 21 world leaders, saying that world governments must come together.

Governments come together all the time, don’t they? Nothing to be alarmed about, you might say. Well, here is more of them openly talking about the New World Order.
Okay, even if the New World Order is true, it can’t be as terrifying as what was depicted by Dr. John Coleman! Well, let’s peel off the layers.
Let’s first hear the refrain – “Build Back Better”.
If it sounds like it is some scripted slogan, it is. Just like the ‘new normal’. They want to take the opportunity presented by Covid, to build back better, by pressing a reset button to completely undo the past and redo the future. If you go to The Great Reset website, you might be filled with hope and excitement. That’s the way it has to be marketed to us. The slogan of The Great Reset is, ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’.
We have seen in the past year how small businesses have been hit. You think the grants given out by our government really helped? And back to the question: What does ‘You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy’, sound like? Communism. Except that this time, it won’t be communism in certain individual countries, but communism in the whole world. It will be global communism. Let’s look at the following comparison. The resemblance to the methods used by the communists is uncanny.

Isn’t it petrifying what they are doing to us now is exactly how the communists treated their prisoners? Among them, the point about occasional indulgences is easily overlooked. How many times have we already experienced this? This is how they tire us out.
The following video tells us what Agenda 21 is about. You can read more about it here. As I mentioned, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 are basically more or less the same thing, the latter being a revitalised and accelerated plan (with 2030 as goal) of the old one (with 2050 as goal).
Here are two short clips where Klaus Schwab talks about inserting chips into us, editing our genes, producing AI servants. These are all happening in the fourth industrial revolution, which is unfolding right now.
Make no mistake, editing our genes has been in the pipeline for a long time. They are not even hiding it, yet some people still naively call it a conspiracy theory. And don’t kid yourself into thinking that you will have AI servants serving you. YOU will be the AI servants that serve them!
Did you know that there have been pilots dropping dead after taking the jabs? You don’t hear of this in the mainstream media, but it’s a chilling reality. Apart from how this reveals how dangerous the jabs are, what are the implications of pilots dying? Have a listen to Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby.
There you have it. If flying with human pilots becomes a dangerous thing, the transition to pilot-less planes will become easy. If pilots, one of the most difficult and highly esteemed jobs can be made redundant, what more to say of most other jobs? (In case you are not aware, driver-less vehicles are already zipping along the roads in China.)
In Singapore, we had this:
According to the article, the crew member suffered from stroke. We have seen how the jabs cause strokes. But of course, we are not told if the crew member had been jabbed. We do know, though, that SIA has made it official that all their pilots and crew are to be fully vaccinated by 1 Sep.
Let’s now watch this short summary of what they want to do with us specifically.
The presenters depict the future scenario in very optimistic light, full of hope and excitement, but at the end of the clip, the host’s words – It has a bit of an Orwellian twinge to it – wraps up what this really is. Connect us with the Internet of Bodies, access our thoughts and emotions and control them, assess every single component of our lives – what we eat, who we date, what you buy, how much energy you use. If this is not communism, what is? This communism is much worse than what our grandparents or parents went through. This is the epitome of complete, total, absolute, utter control, inside out. Not only does your body no longer belong to you (Part 3: 27. The Vaccinated Are Patentable Products), your mind is also controlled remotely (Part 3: 23. Sci-Fi That Is No Longer Fiction).
If it is still hard for you to see how grand the plan is that they have for our future, here it is. They have had it planned for a long long time, and you can see how it involves literally EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of our lives, down to small details like what you eat, how much you eat. And by the way, they won’t give you anything from nature. Creeps.
Hear it from former FEMA operative, Celeste Solum.
Here is the page, if you want to try it out yourself.
Still, you might ask, how is this even possible? Even if they are big international agencies, it’s impossible that they could control the whole world. There are just too many players involved! But what if all the diversity is just an illusion? Most of the world’s power lies in just a very tiny percentage. You think there are different players, but in fact, they are mostly under the same umbrella.
35) Do Our Leaders Know?
It is hard to imagine that your government may not be the government. If there is a One World Government, doesn’t that mean that our government abides by the rules laid out by a more powerful government? Don’t the governments of each country consider the economy and future of their own country? While it is not hard to imagine that the government is corrupted, it seems to be harder to fathom that they could submit to the command of a bigger power.
But really, it’s not that hard to imagine, if you consider that the governments are composed of individuals. If you can accept that they can be corrupted, there is no reason to not accept that they do not think of the economy and well-being of their own country. It’s really that simple. When in history did traitors of the country ever care for their country? Either they have a lot of benefits to reel in, or they are facing threats that they cannot handle. Blackmail can happen to anybody, including the government. If they don’t succumb, who knows, they may end up like the African leaders. Sounds like a movie? Well, life is like a movie!
You may say that the above is just speculation, but let’s look at the following. Singapore has been part of Agenda 21.
The first screenshot is from the UN website. The second is the search results for Agenda 21 Singapore. (The pages have been removed, but the search results are still there.) And here is the list of countries that pledged for Agenda 21. Apparently, there was no need to sign to agree to Agenda 21. The consensus was that those who attended were in agreement. Here is the PDF if you want.
So you might argue that being part of Agenda 21 doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in the gang of the plotters of this plandemic. I can’t say that for sure either, but what I am sure of is, they are at least complicit. While the politicians of lower ranks may not know the details of the plan and are just following orders, the guys at the very top definitely are aware, even if they are not the ones doing the planning.
When I realised that Covid is a huge hoax, and that the vaccines cause a lot more harm than the virus, I wondered why the good politicians didn’t say anything. Maybe they didn’t know. I thought I had to let them know. I thought I knew at least three persons who truly had the welfare of Singaporeans at heart – Louis Ng Kok Kwang, Pritam Singh and Low Thia Khiang. But soon I realised they couldn’t not have known. If a commoner recluse like me who can’t be bothered about worldly affairs can find so much evidence and connect the dots, there is no reason why they, politicians who have thrown themselves out to serve the country, can’t. If it was a year ago, perhaps, but in the third quarter of 2021? No way. The dark and complex plan behind might need a little digging, but the obvious vaccine harms are too glaring to have been missed. If Mr. Louis Ng is concerned about second hand smoke, why is he not concerned about people who are dying after taking the vaccines?
There are only two possibilities. First, that they are incredibly stupid, which is not possible. Second, that they are complicit. Or maybe we could say that there is a third possibility – they are in denial because because the truth hurts. But, really? These are people who have chosen to become politicians to serve Singaporeans. If they can’t even see the truth as it is, what does it say of their caliber? No matter how you try to think the best of them, you cannot find a nice explanation for their deafening silence. Not only are they silent, they are pushing Singaporeans to go for the jab, to my utter shock and disappointment. Pushing your fellow country men to go for the kill shots, time and again! Here is just one of them:

The only two politicians that have been tirelessly speaking the truth are Goh Meng Seng and Brad Bowyer. I am full of gratitude and respect for their bravery and integrity in standing up for the truth.
Back to the Agenda. Have a look at this.

The Singapore Green Plan 2030 is Agenda 2030, only with a localised name. Look at the ‘Global Commitment’ of the SG Green Plan, and the 17 Goals of Sustainable Development, which is part of Agenda 2030.
If you go to look at the SG Green Plan website and their videos, or the Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals websites, they are again, full of awesome goodness, just like The Great Reset. If I hadn’t known any better, I would be like the vast majority of the people, hoodwinked to think that they are going to build a world full of beautiful wonders for us. I might even be keen to contribute in one way or another. There is almost nothing you can find that seems dark or wrong with what they have displayed. This, was what communism looked like at the beginning in the last century. How many young people, gullible and impressionable, full of vigour and hope for the supposed future, fell for the trap?
We have less than nine years before they reach their goal in 2030. Time is running out.
If that smells too much of conspiracy that is hard to swallow, what about this:
And this:
And this:
Our government is undeniably HUGELY invested.
36) Global Warming Hoax
You might have noticed that climate change plays a major role in the agenda. So naturally this is something we need to check out.
You probably have watched, or heard of, Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. I did, and like many people who watched it, was greatly alarmed, and touched that here was someone who was doing some great work. And when Trump said that global warming was a hoax, I simply dismissed it and thought he was a joke, because he was always a huge joke. But now I’ve come to realise that I might have been brainwashed throughout the years, and too quick to judge Trump on this. I have not become a Trump supporter, as I have never followed politics so there is too much I don’t know, but I regret not listening to both sides of the story.
There are many scientists who do not agree that there is a climate emergency. I had heard about this, but hadn’t bothered to check because I had believed entirely that there was global warming.
Here is a whistleblower who tells us how they have been lying.
And here is how children are being used to drive their message down our throats. I wonder if there were many people like me who felt that Greta Thunberg looked a little off? I felt so, but thought it was bad to think so of a child so passionate about a good cause. I guess my instinct was right.
And here is one example of how they push the 2030 Agenda. Destroying nature by creating pollution, so as to create zero carbon emission?!
Remember I touched on how they have been doing geo-engineering? Here is more of it. They actually want to own the weather, and they are specific about it – by 2025. And how are we supposed to believe that climate change is real, when this is the kind of things that they do?
If you have time, you can watch this slightly over one-hour documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle.
Here is another short article to read if you are keen. I’m not well-versed in the topic of climate change, nor am I saying that we don’t have to protect the environment anymore. I still think that we have been undoubtedly abusing our earth. However it is undeniable that climate change is a propaganda tool, and we should start seeing things from different perspectives, instead of believing wholesale what we have been fed with all along.
37) Impending Cyber Attack
If you think that the Covid plandemic is the only hoax they have planned, you’ll be disappointed. They have more up their sleeves.
Remember Event 201? The elitists came together to prepare for a coronavirus pandemic, and within the next few weeks, a real outbreak happened. Guess what? They are getting prepared for the next pandemic – a cyber attack, which, according to Klaus Schwab, is going to be a lot worse than Covid. On 9th Jul 2021, they hosted Cyber Polygon, to ‘prepare’ for a pandemic where, instead of our vulnerable physical bodies, our vulnerable electronic devices get infected. And just like how they created Covid to paralyse us with fear, and then miraculously have the ‘vaccine’ ready that will ‘save’ us, after staging the cyber attack, they are going to have a digital ‘vaccine’ ready to ‘save’ us again.
Hear it from Klaus Schwab. After poking us with the jabs, now they want to ‘immunise’ the internet.
Here is a discussion on the cyber attack. So a possible scenario would be, you give up your security to them, trust that they will take care of you (like how they are taking care of our physical health with the jabs), and then they basically just take control over you.
38) Social Credit System On The Cards
Many of us marvelled at how China is ahead of the rest of the world in implementing the cashless system. Turns out, the danger and evil of what lurks behind is beyond our imagination.
If the above is not awful enough, what about this? Did you know that Bill Gates patented a cryptocurrency system that will be linked to your body activity data? And that patent was filed in Jun 2019, before Covid. A cryptocurrency linked to your body activity data?! Now that we have seen how they can access your body remotely, all this becomes easier to understand. So what this system does is, you will be rewarded with cryptocurrency according to what you do. So basically, if you do what they want you to do, you are credited. If not, you are discredited. This is totally a new level of cashless.
39) Looming Food Shortage
Have you seen warnings about food shortage in the near future?
Well, here is the reason why. People are incentivised and threatened to destroy their crops, euthanise their cattle, dump their oil. There will be food shortage, but it is not because there is genuine food shortage, but because they don’t want us to have access to food. All they want is starve us, create chaos and fear, and succumb to total control by them.
40) Concentration Camps On The Horizon/ In Place
Have you heard of the shielding approach? Officially, they say it is a humanitarian approach meant to keep people, whose health is compromised, safe. That is just a warped way of saying that they want to keep people in concentration camps. And who will these people be? The old, the sick, and the unvaccinated. Basically, the ‘useless eaters’ that they want to get rid of. These people will have minimal contact with family members. If this doesn’t sound like concentration camps during war, what does?

41) What To Do With The Excess Dead Bodies
Here are some ideas that they have on what to do with the excess dead bodies. They are anticipating excess deaths, and are looking for ways to dispose of us.
This is really SATANIC, I’m not trying to scare you, but it’s really what they are going to do. They are liquefying dead bodies, and then feeding them back to us. What does this make us? Cannibals. You think they can’t or won’t do that? They have been doing this on cows, folks, it’s just another level up for them.
Does all the above not sound like communism? Does it not sound like we are at war? If you tell anybody that we are in World War 3 now, people will say that you are crazy. But just look at what I have laid out so far. Look at what is really happening now. There is no doubt we are in a war. A war waged on the commoners by the governments, a war that people fail to see. It is unfolding right before our eyes. We are being subject to so much injustice and tyranny, but we simply don’t realise.

Hear it from Holocaust survivors.
If you still don’t see what is so scary about it all, here it is:
1. The people are besieged by their own governments.
2. The people are not even aware that they are being held captive, and continue seeking protection from the predators.
3. The people are being polarised and divided to pit against one another.
4. It is happening at a global level.
5. It is happening at a very visceral and psychotic level.
6. The attack is on EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your being.

Let’s now move on to Part 5, but before that, here is a recap of what will be awaiting us if we don’t wake up and act now.