Making Sense of Covid – Part 3
What we are going to cover from Part 3 onwards is probably going to shock you to the core. You may have outbursts of anger or despair. You may question my insanity or even your own insanity. You may go into complete denial, but I hope you don’t. It took me some time to come to terms with all the nauseating atrocity. Cry your heart out if you must, take time to digest, but I sincerely hope that you keep your mind and heart open and strong. I hope that with what I present, you will join me (and many others!) on the journey of educating yourself. Only when everybody starts to do their own research and wake up to reality will Covid end.
17) The Plandemic
Let us recap what we have learnt so far.
1) Covid, having a survival rate of 97% – 99% is far less deadly or scary as we have been told;
2) There are safe and effective cures that all the governments are trying to deter us from getting;
3) The vaccines not only do not prevent transmission, they are also highly dangerous;
4) As point 1 and point 3 have shown, our natural immunity is way better than vaccine immunity.
Despite so, we are still being pushed incessantly to go for the vaccines that harm us more than help us. It has never been about the virus or our health, but about getting the vaccine into our body. The virus was created for the vaccine, not the other way round. This is not a pandemic, but a huge hoax, a plandemic, that has been orchestrated at a very sophisticated and massive level. This had been planned for many years, even decades.
Where is the evidence? Why would they want to do that?
So first, the pieces of evidence.
Proof no. 1: Covid-19 Test Patented in 2015
The Covid-19 test has been patented. Not after the outbreak, but before it. By Rothschild, way back in 2015. Wow.

Proof no. 2: Covid-19 Test Kits Distributed Worldwide in 2017 and 2018
MASSIVE numbers of Covid-19 test kits were distributed worldwide in 2017 and 2018. This is rock solid proof like the previous one. Hey, Covid-19 was called Covid-19 because it was supposed to have been discovered in 2019. Why was its testing method patented in 2015, and how in the world did the governments of the world have the test kits in 2017?! I am uploading 3 images below, the first one for 2017, second for 2018, and third for 2017 again, but slightly different.

So we can’t see Singapore on the 2017 list, but if you go to the website, you can find Singapore under ‘Other Asia, nes’. And in 2018, Singapore ranked 5th! Our government that Singaporeans trust so much (that as many as over 80%!! went for the jab), knew Covid was coming and had been making preparations. They have been lying to us, and every Singaporean should be FURIOUS!
The third image shows the 2017 list, but you might have noticed it is slightly different from the first image. This was the original page. So here’s the interesting episode. After this list was discovered and posted on social media on 5 Sep 2020, it went viral, and WITS immediately tried to hide it. On the original page (third image), you can see that the kits were named ‘Covid-19 Test Kits’ with the code ‘300215’. But now (first and second images), it has been renamed ‘Medical Diagnostic Instruments’ with the code ‘902780’.
Proof no. 3: World Bank Covid-19 ‘Project’ Ending in 2025
Here is a screenshot from the World Bank Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Project. It says that the ‘project’ will end in 2025. Creepy.

Proof no. 4: European Commission’s Roadmap (That Includes Vaccination Passport) Timelines Date Back To 2018
This is the European Commission’s roadmap on vaccination. If you look at the upper right corner it says the last update was March 2019. The operation to implement a common vaccination card/ passport was already in action before Covid-19 was even heard of. The timeline and deliverables date back to 2018!

We have been made to believe that tracking us is for our health, that vaccine passports have to be implemented to protect us because Covid is rampant. But that is far from the truth. We need to work backwards. Their goal was the vaccine passports. And to that end, they needed the vaccine. And to introduce the vaccine, they needed a pandemic. And so Covid had to be created.
Proof no. 5: Fauci ‘Predicted’ Surprise Outbreak
In 2017, Fauci predicted that there would be a ‘surprise outbreak’ during Trump’s administration. Huh?
Proof no. 6: Pandemic Exercise Weeks Before Covid-19 Outbreak
Just a few weeks before the outbreak, in October 2020, there was a pandemic exercise, called Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They actually had a simulation for a pandemic, and right after that, boom, a real pandemic, almost a replication of their drill, ensued. Let that sink in.
The following videos explain what Event 201 was about.
Proof no. 7: Rockerfeller Foundation Lock Step Scenario
There was a report called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. A decade ago! Usually called the Rockefeller Lock Step Scenario, the report details what would happen in the ‘scenario’ that they predicted. And it is eerily similar to what we are experiencing now. You can download the report in its entirety from the link above, and here are some videos explaining what it is.
Ingraham Angle talking about the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report. (If you have not heard of Rockefeller Foundation before, remember it now. You will see how much this foundation has been shaping our lives in the background.)
Harry Vox, investigative journalist, reveals the Rockefeller Foundation Document Lock Step, back in 2014.
Dutch politician Thierry Baudet exposes the Rockefeller Foundation Lock Step Plan.
Let’s put side by side the Lock Step Scenario and our current Covid scenario. We are living right in the middle of what they had written in 2010. We are acting out the script they had written.

Proof no. 8: Bill Gates Prophesying Viral Pandemic And Vaccines
Here is Bill Gates, in a TED talk in 2015, ‘prophesying’ a viral pandemic. At the beginning of the Covid outbreak, some people were amazed that Bill Gates had foreseen this coming. But read on, think, and try to connect the dots. Did he foresee, or did he plan?
Here is another speech he gave in 2015, this time on how the next epidemic would be originating from a computer screen.
Not only did he foretell the pandemic, he could also foretell the ‘best buy’ – vaccines, in the coming year. And he couldn’t hide his excitement!

Proof no. 9: Covid Poster Printed in Jan 2020
And look at this, commoners like you and I can also find something. This Covid poster was printed in Jan 2020, before the pandemic!
Here is an article with more proof, if you need more convincing.
18) Depopulation
So what do they want to achieve by creating a false pandemic and forcing the vaccine on us? The first reason is depopulation.
Here is an old newspaper from 2011, with Bill Gates suggesting depopulating the world through forced vaccination, the zero carbon solution!

If this is the first time you are hearing this depopulation agenda, you may not really know what to make of it. We’ve been indoctrinated for a long time that the world is overpopulated, so perhaps depopulation sounds like the right thing to do? But if you pause for a moment to think, what does depopulation really mean? Reducing the population. And that means? Getting rid of excess people. And that means? Killing people! It’s as straightforward as that, but it’s hard to come to that simple conclusion because normal people cannot imagine that killing fellow humans could be on the agenda of a ‘philanthropist’, or that of any sound person.
If your impression of Bill Gates is that of a rich philanthropist, who perhaps, is somehow earning a bit too much from his Microsoft Empire, but still, by and large a good man who works for the good of the poor in Africa, you still have a lot to catch up.
Well it’s not only Bill Gates who is running the show. There’s a whole bunch of lunatics self-proclaiming to be the elites of the world, eager to get rid of us, the stupid and useless commoners. Remember the FDA slide that was shown accidentally? It’s not by chance that the vaccine has so many horrible side effects.

The vaccine is meant to maim us, destroy our immunity, and kill us. I suspect though that people dropping dead immediately after injection is a ‘bug’. They did not intend for us to die immediately. Rather, they want it to happen in a few years’ time, when our immune system is completely down and we die from diseases that do not seem to be directly linked to the vaccine.
They also want to destroy our bloodlines. What is true depopulation without ensuring infertility? Listen to what Sir John Bell says.“These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise the population. They are likely to have an effect which works in a percentage say 60% or 70%.” And he seems to find it a shame that the effect is not 100%; but they could make do with 60% or 70%!
Here is Dr. Bryan Ardis on how the hospitals are murdering the patients, by using a drug called Remdesivir. Fauci claimed that it was effective against Ebola and hence would be effective against Covid too. However, not only was it not effective on either, it was harmful for both. This is truly like a movie scene, except that it is not. Listen to Dr. Ardis, who lost his father-in-law from this murderous hospital protocol, explain.
And in the UK, they were killing the elderly with Midazolam.
And people are being put on ventilators which, not only are not helpful, are actually causing a lot of harm.
19) New Breed Of Magnetos, Lighters, Chargers And Scannables
In the beginning of the vaccine rollout, we saw videos of magnetic people from the US and other western countries. Then we started seeing those from Singapore and Malaysia too. Most people didn’t believe it, and dismissed it as just another viral hoax. It’s understandable to doubt it, as it’s just unthinkable. Humans becoming magnetic?! The Fact Checkers, as expected, pronounced this as fake. The mass media and the experts were also quick to tell us so. The body is too sweaty and sticky, that’s all. Duh, that’s lame. They really should come up with a better one. Hey, we can easily debunk this back by testing ourselves when we are sweaty!
But now more and more people have come to see for themselves that this is not fake. Some experience it themselves, others know people who are experiencing it. I have compiled just a few from Singapore, Malaysia, China and Taiwan.
If you look at the second person, they wiped her arm to make sure that it was clean. And in the last case, the spoon rolled on its own towards the arm as it was placed closer to the person. Magnetism in vaccinated people is real.
As funny as it may seem, this is certainly no laughing matter. The vaccine clearly has wreaked havoc on the body. If you are interested to find out more, I recommend this website which has gathered a lot of information on magnetism. And here is a warning regarding taking MRI scans.
You can also join the Telegram Chat for local cases of magnetic effects here:
The sci-fi effects of the vaccine is not just turning you magnetic. It literally gives you power to turn on light bulbs. In the compilation below, the people can turn on light bulbs, trigger the security alarm, and seemingly charge a mobile phone too. In the last two cases, it seems to me that the phones are charging once in contact with the body, though I’m not too sure.
As if the above ‘super powers’ are not bewildering enough, the vaccinated can even be scanned. And the scanned result reads ‘view product’. Product!
This is a screenshot of someone’s mobile that detected ‘BLE devices’ around it. It seems that android phones can detect them, so you might want to try.
I hope you don’t find scanning yourself fun, like how some people seem to think that becoming magnetic is. All the effects that we have seen above are not some super power, and the implications are far from superb. We will return to this topic again, but first, we need to answer a question that many people have, and that is, why isn’t every single person that has been jabbed having the same effects?
20) Not Every Jab Is The Same
Some vaccinated people just do not believe that the vaccines can be harmful, because they felt nothing after the jabs. Guess what? Not every jab is the same! Some are given a higher dose, some lower, and some just a placebo. Hear it from this Slovak nurse:
Dr. Jane Ruby also mentions it in the following video. In the package insert, it is written that 50% of the jabs are placebo. As she says, this is a dose finding jab program. The second jab is typically a lot higher than the first.
We don’t know the percentage of placebo jabs in Singapore. The authorities, of course, will not admit that there are placebo jabs. If you are keen to know more, you can read the details on the ClinicalTrials website here.
I have not really studied in detail the data on the ClinicalTrials page as that kind of data is too much for me, so I can’t offer a more detailed analysis. Regardless, the Pfizer vaccine is still in clinical trials, which will end in 2023. People outside the official clinical trials, that means, the vast majority of us, who take the jab now, will be volunteering to take part in the clinical trials too. We are the ‘extended’ trials, so what is listed in the trials page is applicable to those in the actual rollout.
21) What Are The Ingredients?
What exactly are in the vaccines that can make you do sci-fi stuff, fall sick with numerous dangerous diseases, or even die? The following are the package inserts of Moderna and J&J.
Don’t they just make you laugh out loud? It’s so ridiculous I really don’t know what to say of it. They’re such a joke, aren’t they? Here is what a normal package insert is like:

With the horrible side effects, it’s no wonder that they want to hide the ingredients though.
In their fact sheets, Pfizer and Moderna do list some of their ingredients. But of course, we know the list is not complete.
Here I’d like to bring your attention to one of Moderna’s ingredients, SM-102, which supposedly is their secret ingredient. People have dug out what SM-102 is, and here are the findings. Apparently it is highly hazardous, and is not to be used for humans or animals. Why in the world would you want that in your body?
SM-102 might sound dangerous enough, but wait till you hear what was later found to be inside the vaccines. Remember we were talking about people become magnetic and seemingly being able to conduct electricity? Initially because there didn’t seem to be anything that would make people magnetic in the ingredients, there was no proof. But now, researchers have discovered the culprit – graphene oxide. There have since been a lot of analyses and discussions on graphene oxide in the vaccines. Here are two.
You can check out this, this, and this. The debunkers are of course quick to do their job.
Apparently, graphene has been making waves in the scientific field, but hardly known among the common folks. Let’s see what graphene can do.
And here are a few clips to show graphene in action.
If you want to learn more about graphene, check out this video and this article. Here are highlights from the article:
Graphene has emerged as one of the most promising nanomaterials because of its unique combination of exceptional properties: it is not only the thinnest but also one of the strongest materials; it conducts heat better than all other materials; it is an excellent conductor of electricity; it is optically transparent, yet so dense that it is impermeable to gases… Harder than diamond yet more elastic than rubber; tougher than steel yet lighter than aluminum – graphene is the strongest known material… The graphene community expects that, by strengthening standards and creating tailored high-quality materials, graphene materials will go beyond niche products and spearhead applications to broad market penetration by 2025. Then, graphene could be incorporated in ubiquitous commodities such as tires, batteries, sensor and electronics.
With all the promising features, it is no wonder that graphene causes such excitement. You might be surprised that it has also been used on face masks. Was it intentional? We’ll be coming back to discuss face masks later.

22) Safety Of Graphene Oxide
So how safe, or rather, unsafe, is graphene, especially for use on humans? First, here is a simple explanation.
And here is an example of how harrowing graphene intoxication can get. Remember, as with the cases I shared in Part 2, this is not rare.
This is an example of how it makes you disconnected from reality.
This is one which demonstrates how it targets the brain.
This one gives a broader perspective.
Here is a study on graphene in mice. The following is from the article (NGO stands for nanoscale graphene oxide).

23) Sci-fi That Is No Longer Fiction
While the following may not all be about graphene, what I want to highlight in this section is that technology is already way more advanced than most of us realise, and much of what we think is science fiction is actually already non-fiction. Let’s have a look at some non-sci-fi scenarios.
We’ll start from something that is not that mind-bending. I do not use wearables, so I don’t know much, but I believe charging with body sweat is probably a technology already in use. Anyway, this is not something too extraordinary.
The next few scenarios are one or a few levels up. As far as I’m aware, the presentation below took place in not later than 2013. This pill, to be swallowed, has an on/off switch.
The following 2016 video is a ‘human modular prototype’.
I am not sure when the following was made, but it is clear that injecting micro robots into us isn’t impossible anymore.
It seems that many people believe that the following 2005 presentation to the Pentagon was by Biil Gates, but I am inclined to think otherwise. The case in point, though, is not who presented it, but the fact that even as early as 2005, it was already a possibility, and there was already a plan, to change the human mind through vaccination. (If you are interested to find out more about this presentation, read up here.)
I don’t know where and when this next one was, but as the presenter says, this implant has already been implanted in humans, and fully programmable, can ‘talk to the iPad’ and ‘communicate through the internet’. And as he says, ‘the things we can already imagine engineers making, they’ve already made, and the things that we can barely imagine now, or can’t even imagine, they’re working on it’. So don’t ever be too quick to say that something is impossible.
In this next video, we see that DARPA has been working on how to alter our DNA, by connecting our brain to some system external. In simpler terms, we can be remotely controlled.
This is what they call Trans-humanism, Genetically Modified Humans, or Human 2.0. In super simple terms, they want to merge us with machines to make us half human, half robot. It’s scary, it’s unbelievable, but it is true and is already happening. Listen to Dr. Carrie Madej explain this in this video on 17 Aug 2020, before the vaccine rollout. It’s been over a year, and we can now see what she was warning us back then is already unfolding before us.
We have seen that implanting something and controlling our mind via something external is possible. Now here is the important link – 5G.
“Cov-19” clearly written on the circuit board. How freaky! I’m sure you’re aware that they are now setting up 5G networks all over the world. (Note that 6G is coming soon!) Well, those are not for us to surf the internet faster, but to hook us up to their system in the near future.
Don’t believe me? They have already started doing it. See for yourself.
Why is 5G such an important and dangerous aspect of all of this? First of all, as I said, it is necessary for the eventual tracking and controlling of all of us. Second, it plays a significant role in the infection in the first place. We have seen the incredible potential of graphene oxide, and how the body becomes magnetic. Now look at how graphene reacts to mobile phone radiation.
This is another reason why people have varying degrees of adverse reactions to the jab. It is not just your own immune system, or the dose that you were given. It also depends on your exposure to radiation. Places where 5G was rolled out had more outbreaks. So Singaporeans, be really prepared.
To read more on 5G and the Covid connection, check out the following articles (here, here and here).
24) The Dangerous Tests
Not only should we resist the vaccine, we should also resist the tests. You may be aware that the nasal test is uncomfortable and may pose some physical injury. But are you also aware that the test itself is toxic?
The tests are dangerous on a few levels. First, the swabs contain ethylene oxide, which is highly toxic. Listen to Dr. Lorraine Day and two registered nurses explain.
As Dr. Lorraine Day says, if we have to mask ourselves because our saliva might infect people, that means our saliva contains the virus. Why then is there a need to take samples from our nose, instead of just simply from our saliva? There is no logic to this. There is no need to poke you in the nose, unless there is an ulterior motive.

Not only do they contain ethylene oxide, they are made with some mysterious material that clings onto our flesh. These spiky swabs are different from normal cotton swabs.
Here, we see that the swab glows in the dark. Wow.
Not only does it glow, the ‘fibres’ of the swab move!
If the above is not too clear, here is the swab under the microscope. Many what people are calling ‘nano worms’ or parasites are found, and they do move without doubt.
Here is a detailed explanation on what the swabs are and what harms they do.
If it sounds far-fetched that they are trying to inject the vaccine into us via the test itself, that the test is the vaccine in disguise, know that vaccinating via the nose (as was briefly mentioned in the previous video) is what people have been doing on animals. We are not that different from animals.
25) The Dangerous Masks
It’s not just the tests. As we saw earlier in section 21) What Are The Ingredients, they have put something in the masks as well. What people found in the masks seem to be what have been put in the swabs.
The next two show how we can easily look for the nano worms ourselves.
Here is a more detailed look at these nano worms. And a couple more tests.
While it’s still unclear what exactly these ‘nano worms’ are in the tests and masks (though graphene being added to masks is a known fact), what we know is that they are reactive to heat, and as we have learnt, graphene conducts heat extremely well. So at the very least, we cannot exclude the possibility that there might be graphene in them. From what we have seen in the videos, these ‘nano worms’ get agitated by heat and moisture, which are exactly what we produce a lot around our mouth and nose when we wear them.
What makes all this even more appalling is that, according to Dr. T, these nano worms were not present in masks pre-Covid. (You can find mention of this in the second video at the bottom of this article.)
There is no reason to not suspect something is going on, that there is an ulterior motive to all this. In Part 2 (15. To Mask Or Not To Mask), we looked at the inefficacy and harms of mask wearing. I also mentioned that mask wearing has a sinister side. It is a psychological weapon that tricks us into believing that we are in constant danger, and to cripple us to feel that we are trapped. But as we have now seen, there is yet another layer of evil to it.
In Singapore if you don’t wear a mask you get filmed by some random panicky strangers who post that onto social media and then you get caught by the police the very same night and eventually get thrown into the Institute of Mental Health without a properly done trial because you are not supposed to stand up for your rights, not because you have broken the law. So to protect ourselves, not from a virus (that has not even been isolated) but from the tyranny of those above us and fellow Singaporeans who don’t know better, you probably still have to wear a mask. Nevertheless, consider choosing reusable cloth masks. Not only are they safer, you are also not contributing to environmental hazard. And, it isn’t troublesome at all. Just throw them into the washing machine like your other laundry. Don’t believe in s**tty theories like the virus will stick to your clothes or what have you. Those are meant to scare the s**t out of you. Remember, we are throwing the supposedly virus-tainted masks everywhere! Just think, where is logic!?
26) Graphene Oxide Everywhere!
It seems that they are really desperate to inject weird stuff into us via several means. We’ve seen them in the tests and masks, but there’s more!
Graphene oxide has already started infiltratrating into many aspects of our lives. This is indeed shocking, but actually not unexpected. Remember, the motive wasn’t to protect our health, but to inject us. They need to have Plan B, since obviously not everybody will be keen on the jab.
It is in what we consume.
It is in the flu vaccine.
And in case you are not aware, our Singapore government is pushing for the flu vaccine alongside the Covid jab. The following article was published on 23 Aug 2021.

They want it in our water as well.

In fact, it seems that it has already been done. The following is an image of what a Spanish researcher has found in bottled water.

It is even in the air we breathe!
This one shows us what the chemtrails have been leaving behind.
When I learnt of chemtrails, I realised that I might have seen them before. I like looking up at the sky and I remember I had seen similar trails before, and when I saw them was wondering what they were. I don’t however, remember where I had seen them, if it was in Singapore or when travelling in other countries. You may find it hard to believe, but yes, geo-engineering is a thing, and they have been doing quite a lot of stuff engineering the climate. They literally want to play god, and control everything, literally everything. I was a staunch believer of global warming, but now I have to rethink.
It must be shocking to discover that there have been so many covert plots to harm us. Anything of this nuance have all conveniently been labeled ‘conspiracy theories’. But they are not conspiracy theories. Don’t slam anything that is hard to believe with ‘conspiracy theory’. The term ‘conspiracy theory’ was simply a term created to debunk anything that tries to reveal what the ‘elites’ are doing to us covertly. ‘Conspiracy theorists’ have taken the bad rap, being shunned as crazy fellows who like to cook up stories. These are real conspiracies (aka hidden plots), not conspiracy theories (aka imagined hypotheses), and they are getting the attention of more and more clear-minded people.

You might have realised by now that graphene oxide is one of the key components in the vaccine. We will see how this ties in with the bigger picture in Part 4.
27) The Vaccinated Are Patentable Products
Yes, that’s right, the vaccinated can be patented, which Dr. Carrie Madej mentioned in the video we saw earlier (23. Sci-fi That Is No Longer Fiction). This is important so let’s look at more details. The US Supreme Court has ruled that if a human has anything synthetic within them, that human can be patented. That person can be owned by someone else, legally. This is unbelievable and outrageous, and it completely broke my heart that there can be such dark evil on earth, and so many people have fallen for this heinous scam. I didn’t know how I was going to tell people of this sick scam. The side effects are already horrible beyond words, yet this is on another level. Not only do they want to maim you physically, they have tricked you to sell yourself to them. I know all this sounds really crazy and I may sound like a lunatic, but this is true. Listen to the explanation in these videos.
Here is another video by Dr. Carrie Madej.

You can read about it here, or download the court ruling and read for yourself.
Not only do they want to trace us, alter our mind, they also want to own us. This is the epitome of slavery. Body, mind and soul – none of them belong to you anymore.
As terrifying as it may seem, don’t despair yet. Read on to see what we can do to end this nightmare. There is no point in me spending so much time and effort collecting and organizing all this information if I don’t see any glimpse of hope.
28) More Horrible Ingredients Revealed
As if graphene oxide is not chilling enough, recently Dr. Robert Young has made more discoveries about the ingredients. Turns out, there are yet more dangerous ingredients in the injections. You can read up here, here.
Here is an interview by Stew Peters with Dr. Jane Ruby.
And if you have the time, you can hear it from Dr. Robert Young himself.
Recently Japan suspended their Moderna vaccine, not once, but twice, that were found to be contaminated with ‘foreign particles’. The contamination reportedly is “a substance that reacts to magnets” and “could be metal.”
29) Shedding/ Transmission
The vaccinated are afraid of the unvaccinated, but the ironic truth is, it is the unvaccinated that should be afraid of the vaccinated. ‘Shedding’, or as Dr. Sherry Tenpenny says, ‘transmission’, is a real phenomenon, where the toxins from the vaccinated people ‘shed’ to the unvaccinated.
Let’s first have a look at Pfizer’s acknowledgement of this (you can download the whole protocol here):
They seem to have made it pretty clear that an unvaccinated person can become exposed to the vaccine via inhalation or skin contact, and this is to be reported as this may result in SAE (severe adverse events). Amazing huh?
In the following video, Dr. Richard Fleming talks about shedding, which he says was already a known effect in 1995.
Let’s hear it from another doctor, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Now let’s see real life cases of shedding. None of the following people have been jabbed, but they are experiencing blood clots and magnetic effects.
In the fourth case, the person took Ivermectin and ‘felt a whole lot better’. It is no wonder the authorities keep gearing up on the smearing campaign against Ivermectin. It works not just for Covid, but for the vaccine side effects as well. If Ivermectin gets recognised and becomes readily available, Covid will naturally end, and the vaccines will be redundant. That would end their plan prematurely.
Here is another shock for the vaccinated that would be hard to swallow. France’s long time vaccine policy chief, Professor Christian Perronne, says categorically the unvaccinated should go on with life as usual, while the vaccinated should be quarantined because they are putting the others at risk.
Here is an interview with him.
I genuinely hope that having read so far, you would seriously reconsider taking the jab, be it the 1st, 2nd or the coming 3rd. This is a heartfelt plea from a fellow human. Don’t harm yourself further. And it should be clear by now that if you really want to be responsible and play a part for the betterment of humanity, stop taking the jab, that harms not just yourself, but your family and people around you. And I have not yet touched on all the dangers of the vaccine yet!
If you have already taken the jab, and are worried about the side effects, don’t despair. Many people are studying ways to detox, and I’ve come to think that it’s not an impossible feat. In the beginning I was devastated that the vaccinated seemed doomed, but now, I think that the real danger is not the vaccine, but the human mind and heart. If anything destroys us, it’s not the vaccine, but our own humanity. We have the power to get back on our feet and be strong. But that is only if we allow ourselves.
So depopulation is one reason for the vaccine. But they don’t really want all of us to die. In Part 4, you will see the GRAND scheme that they have intricately planned. Brace yourself.