Making Sense of Covid – Part 2
7) Where Is The Virus?
Things get even more bizarre when we realise that the existence of the Covid-19 virus itself is highly questionable. There has actually been no proof that the Covid-19 virus itself even exists! Here is what CDC says in their PCR document:

In order to study the virus and understand what it does, scientists need to first isolate the virus. But so far, there has been no proof of isolation. There is even an offer of $1.2 M reward to anyone providing an isolated sample of the COVID-19 virus.

In fact, there have been at least two court cases revolving the existence (or non-existence) of the virus. The first was in Ireland, and the second in Alberta Canada, just recently. In both cases, the governments could not produce any proof of isolation of the virus. The second case in Alberta was a huge monumental step, because now, Alberta is free from the Covid restrictions.
So here is the big question. If the virus, the very foundation and rationale for this whole pandemic to occur, does not even exist, just what are we so afraid of? If there is no original virus to be found, where do they find the variants?
I am not denying that there is something that is making people sick though, and I will bring this up again later. Nevertheless, I believe it is clear that this ‘Covid virus’ is not what they want us to believe. This whole thing is covered with a massive bunch of lies. At the very least, this is not something we need to be so fearful of, and does not warrant the lockdowns and draconic mandates that the whole world has been imposed on.
Here is something to tease your brains.
It seems that what we have been made so afraid of is merely the common cold! Did they make a blunder when naming the virus? Or is it really just the common cold? Or is it yet totally something else? We will come back to explore this later.
8) Virus vs Vaccine – Which Came First?
The governments worldwide have been trying to paint a picture of a pandemic that does not exist. Even if it is a pandemic, it could be ended easily with cheap medications. Simple, effective and cheap treatments have been invalidated or outright banned simply because… they are simple, effective and cheap!
What could be the logical explanation? Simple – the governments do not want this ‘pandemic’ to end. The Covid ‘virus’ MUST NOT be treated, because it was created for the ‘vaccine’. You read that right. The ‘vaccine’ was not created for the ‘virus’. Rather, the ‘virus’ was created for the ‘vaccine’. If there is no Covid, the vaccine cannot come into the picture. They needed the virus to bring in the vaccine.
Let us see the how and the why.
9) Fake Jabs
The push for us to take the vaccines is phenomenal. As the propaganda says, it is dangerous to not vaccinate. For the sake of yourself and your loved ones, take the jab. So there is no reason why those leading the countries don’t take it, is there? Have a look at the politicians taking their jabs. Sit back and be entertained!
Here is Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. A registered nurse tells us how to see through fake jabs.
And here is Queensland Premier Palaszczuk taking the flu jab.
So many more fake jabs!
It’s not just the politicians taking fake jabs, but also quite many celebrities. Here is Mariah Carey with her over-the-top acting.
I’m not sure about you but I feel embarrassed just by watching them putting on such a show.
Here is Bill Gates taking the jab. Instead of going on TV to take a fake jab, he hires a fake Bill. In case you are wondering about the authenticity of the picture of his double, I am including the tweet itself, to show that the picture of the fake man is true. (What a world we are living in, that we have to prove the authenticity of falsity!)
And, did you know that Bill Gates, the biggest vaccine peddler on earth, refuses to vaccinate his children?

Well, this, together with the purported fake jab, have been debunked by Fact Checkers, but perhaps you could reserve your judgment till the end of this Making Sense of Covid series.
These people of power and influence are going all out to get the common folks to take the jabs. They themselves are not just simply not taking, but are putting on an act pretending to take them. There must be a lot of stinky business going on behind!
You might be thinking, well, these are probably politicians who are so scared of being poked that they have to resort to faking it, but the majority of them, like our Prime Minister and his fellow politicians, must have taken the real vaccines, right? The fact is that even if they do really get poked with real needles, there is another question we need to keep in mind: Are the jabs they take the real deal? Or just saline water? This is another topic we will be touching on later.
10) Safety Of The Vaccines
The governments keep telling us that the vaccines are safe. How safe are they, that the politicians refuse to take them themselves?
First, let’s look at some of the posters that have been deployed in Singapore. I am not sure of the exact dates they were published, but the following is in more or less the correct chronological order.
The push gets stronger and stronger. It is most obvious when you see that initially, pregnant women and those with a history of anaphylaxis could not receive the vaccine. Now they can. The third one from the last is especially glaring. “Persons with the following conditions CAN now take the mRNA vaccines”. It seems like almost anybody can now take it, it’s up for grabs for all.
Since the government has highlighted that pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, those with history of anaphylaxis and those on anticoagulant therapy CAN now go for the vaccines, let us zoom in on these groups of people and see what Pfizer’s factsheet says about them.

Clearly, it is risky to give the vaccine to pregnant women, lactating mothers, those with history of anaphylaxis and those on anticoagulant therapy. Yet the government is encouraging these groups of people to take it. I cannot fathom the level of irresponsible propaganda! Here is a screenshot of MOH reassuring us that it is safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and their babies.

Many mothers and mothers-to-be have heeded the official advice, and what happened? Here are babies who died soon after their mothers took the jab.

And here are more adverse reactions and deaths.
And then there are many that collapse almost immediately after the jab. Here is the nurse who fainted on live television shortly after taking the jab.
And here is a compilation of immediate reactions.
The casualties are just piling up:
The above are just a few of the WAY too many severe adverse reactions and deaths that are not reported in the mainstream media. But we are told that adverse reactions are rare. Perhaps the above represent just a small portion of all the vaccinated? Let’s look at some figures to get a better perspective and see just how ‘rare’ they are.

Let’s zoom in on VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in the US. We will grab some information from this analysis. Since its establishment in 1990, typically only 1% to 10% of adverse events are reported. So that means the real figures should be 10 to 100 times more.

The number of deaths from the Covid vaccines alone is already past ALL other the vaccines combined since 1990 (13,068 vs 8,871). The number of birth defects after Covid vaccines is 376, while that of all other vaccines combined is 137. And remember I said that the real figures should be 10 – 100 times more? Yet they have the gall to tell us that the vaccines are safe? I am beyond furious.
It seems that even though the VAERS numbers are underreported, still, the numbers look quite shocking, so the authorities took it upon themselves to delete some numbers.

How could they allow such a disaster to happen? Perhaps they didn’t know and are also only beginning to see the terrible effects? The sad answer is, no, they knew it all along, they just chose not to tell us. See this:
The above slide is from a meeting streamed live on 22 October 2020, before the mass rollout. It was displayed for just less than a split second. Obviously by accident. The slide wasn’t supposed to be shown. If you doubt me, go watch the video from 2:33:40. Watch at a reduced speed, pause and have a good close look. Guillain-barre syndrome, convulsions, stroke, anaphylaxis, myocarditis, autoimmune disease, pregnancy and birth outcomes, Kawasaki disease, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, many other hard to understand diseases, and oh dear, DEATH! But yet none of these were included in the fact sheets! They only added in myocarditis and pericarditis recently.
Let’s rewind a bit and make sure we are not lost in all this crazy nonsense. The reason to take the vaccine is to get protection from Covid, because we have been told repeatedly that Covid is a scary infectious disease that can kill us. Lo and behold, this supposed protection can kill us too! And if it doesn’t kill us, it can give us a myriad of other diseases!
The funny thing is that, there are people that, upon hearing that they could die from taking the jab, become defensive and say, if I die I die, everybody dies, no big deal. It seems that many people have totally lost their ability to think and reason.
Unfortunately, the above are not the real dangers of the vaccines. These possible adverse effects are of course terribly horrible, but I have yet to touch on the real horrors, which are coming in Part 3.
11) The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?
This is the slogan that we keep hearing. Maybe the risks listed above are not yet serious enough to make you sit up and start contemplating what all this is about. So let us give them the benefit of the doubt and check out if the benefits really outweigh the risks.
Let’s first look at the risks. Pfizer and Moderna do tell us that there will be side effects, which are, according to the information sheets given to us by the MOH: pain, redness, swelling at the injection site, fever, chills headache, muscle pain, joint pain, tiredness, lymph node swelling at neck or arms.
But hey, we have seen above that the side effects are definitely not so mild! Would they dare write on the fact sheet all the adverse events they had on the slide above?
Anyway, let’s move on to look at the benefits. As we can see below, Pfizer provides 95% and Moderna 94% efficacy against symptomatic Covid-19, and good protection against the current virus variants.
94% and 95% protection, sounds good! So even if I get the side effects, at least I will be protected from catching the virus, because that’s what the vaccines are supposed to do. (And anyway I can’t be so unlucky to get the side effects, those only happen to unlucky people, right?) If I don’t catch the virus, that means the vaccine is effective, which means the benefits outweigh the risks, and so it must be worth the shot! It’s been three quarters of a year since the mass inoculation program started, so let’s see how effective it is in preventing infection.
And look at this recent outbreak among our bus drivers.

“Of the 120 infected bus drivers, four were unvaccinated.” Oh yeah? So 116 out of the 120 were vaccinated. 96.67% of 120 infected people were vaccinated! Not a small group of 5 people, but a large group of 120. Not 9.6%, but 96%! You don’t need to be good at math to tell that the efficacy is close to zero. Their purported 94% and 95% is simply absurd to say the least.
By the way, isn’t it fascinating how every time they report on the vaccination status, they highlight the unvaccinated instead? We must look so stupid to them that they seem to think we can’t do the math.
Here is a compilation of people getting infected despite being fully vaccinated.
Let’s now look at some statistics. Here are the local cases for 14 days up till 7 Sep 2021. Just look at the number of fully vaccinated individuals!

The two graphs below show unmistakably the trend that the infections are occurring mostly among the fully vaccinated. There is no reason why the unvaccinated are being feared like they are spreading Covid, when it is seems quite obvious that it is the vaccinated that are driving the numbers up.

And here is a comparison between how the situation was back in January when we started vaccination, vs how things are like in September, with 81% of the people vaccinated.

We already had the Covid situation under control, until the vaccine rollout. Not only is the vaccination program a complete failure, it was the wrong course of action.
Since 8 Sep, the MOH has suddenly reduced the data they upload to their website, so it is now even harder to know the full situation. If the vaccines work as promised, there is no need to hide figures from the public. For the latest figures and charts that volunteers have been tabulating, check out the Telegram chat
Let’s revisit this chart I showed in Part 1 (6. Cheap Treatments Available But Unavailable), comparing India, where Ivermectin is used in certain parts, and Singapore, that does not use Ivermectin at all. This time let’s focus on the vaccination rate. India has only 12% full vaccination, while Singapore has 81%. Their cases are coming down, while ours have been going up, up and up.

It is not just in Singapore that the vaccines don’t work as promised. Let’s have a look at Israel, with a 63% fully-vaccinated population, vs Romania with a 27% fully-vaccinated population.

The two graphs below compare the number of vaccinations with the number of new cases in the two countries.

It seems that the number of cases corresponds more or less with the number of vaccinations. I don’t think we can deny that there does seem to be a trend of highly vaccinated populations getting more infections. Can someone tell me if the injection prevents infection or causes infection?
Even the mainstream media cannot help but report on the high numbers among the vaccinated.

This is definitely contrary to what Fauci reassured people that ‘the protection is really quite substantial’. So, what’s happening here?
This report tells us that the most vaccinated countries have the most Covid cases.
Here is a sobering study that tells us that the efficacy of the vaccines actually runs in the negative.
Clearly, the benefits DO NOT outweigh the risks. Rather, the opposite is true. The risks are too high, whereas the benefits are superficial and minimal at best. My honest opinion is that the efficacy is negative. There is no benefit, only very dangerous risks.
The medical staff are also telling us with their actions what they think of the jabs. Many of them are remaining unvaccinated. This should be very telling about how dangerous the jabs are, or at the very least, how unnecessary they are. These are the frontline people who are witnessing first hand what is going on. It is a shame that our Singapore medical staff don’t seem to have any options.
12) ‘Unrelated’ Injuries And Deaths
Many of us have been following closely the case of the 16 year-old boy who suffered from myocarditis and who was eventually paid the highest amount of $225,000 under VIFAP (Vaccine Injury Finance Assistance Programme). While I do not think any amount of money is enough to compensate for such debilitating damage, on a positive note, the fact that the government has admitted that the vaccines can do severe damage to a vaccine recipient, does offer a sense of relief. On another note, I do find it suspicious that there doesn’t seem to have been any mention at all in the media about the other case who was also given $225,000 payment. Who was it, and what happened to him or her?
With all that said, the point I want to make here is not VIFAP, but the difficulty in getting acknowledgement of the vaccine adverse events. Let’s first look at two media reports of suspected injuries.
In the first case, after her vaccination, the 37 year-old woman felt dizzy and went to the emergency department, and had to be warded because she could not walk as her feet were too weak. In the second case, the 72 year-old man was vaccinated in the morning and taken to the hospital in the evening. Despite these having happened so soon after vaccination, SGH and MOH maintain that they are not linked to the vaccines. Even if there is no concrete evidence, the fact that these happened within a day should be enough for them to caution people of the possibility.
The above are cases the media reported. There are yet many more that are ignored by the government and the media. These people ended up having to suffer in silence just for heeding the advice of the government and the media. This is Michael, in a sharing session on 9 Aug. As of 24 Sep, his VIFAP is still not approved.
Let’s now look at suspected death cases. Officially, we have not seen a single vaccine death in Singapore. But many of us are doubtful. Are there no vaccine-caused deaths at all, or are the deaths concealed or brushed off as coincidental without thorough investigation? Here are four deaths (in chronological order) that I have managed to find from the media. (Bear in mind that these are cases that the media have reported. There are many more that have not been picked up by the media. You can find more reports on the ground in this Telegram group:
All the four persons died from heart issues, either the day they took the jab, or the day after. Notably, in case 1, the son of the 81 year-old man said that his father had no major illness before taking the jab, and in case 2, the family said that the 57 year-old man had no prior heart issues. Regardless of whether the four deceased died with or without prior heart issues, I find it unsettling that the government did not give a more conscientious response given the fact that they did after all die after taking the vaccines. If they had no prior heart diseases, then the vaccines were obviously the culprit. And if they did have prior conditions, then the vaccines were the trigger.
No matter what, there should be a more prudent protocol for such cases, instead of simply stating or implying that they already had prior diseases and therefore coincidental. If they maintain that the adverse events after vaccination are purely coincidental and not linked to the vaccines, then they should apply the same yardstick on those whom they categorise as having died of Covid complications. Those people had prior health issues, and so they died from those health issues, not from Covid. They died coincidentally with Covid, not from Covid, similar to how they say the vaccinated died coincidentally after taking the vaccines, not from the vaccines.
Another concerning point is, in case 4, the family is still waiting for the coroner report, which I find truly weird. In the Facebook post by the daughter of the deceased, Charlene Yong, she said “Why is it that we have to plough so hard with the authorities to have the coroner report to be released to us?”
Incidentally, if we go back to look at the newspaper article on case 3 (72 year-old woman), when Mr Tan, the son of the deceased, asked if it might have been the vaccine, he was told that this could only be answered by a pathologist, and that inquiries related to Covid-19 have a “four-month waiting line”. Why does it seem so hard to get proper investigation results and data?
Additionally, Mr Tan mentioned that he learnt about similar incidents in which people had died or suffered permanent disability shortly after taking the vaccination. As I said, the above are cases picked up by the media. There are many other suspected cases that have simply gone unreported.
Hear it from Mr Tan himself.
Another point we need to bear in mind is, if something happens not immediately after the vaccination but a few months after that, how can we be sure that it is not due to the vaccine? This is what is meant by long term effects, which are not yet known. I have seen quite many cases of people dead in Singapore a few days or a few months after the vaccination, but simply because they didn’t occur immediately, the media doesn’t report about them. And the authorities are too busy coercing people to get jabbed to give any attention to people who are already jabbed.
And if you think that with VIFAP, you are being insured, think again. We have seen from Michael’s case that even if you suffer new diseases that you’ve never had prior to the vaccination, they can still blatantly say that your new diseases are not due to the vaccine. And as far as I am aware, it is not easy to even get your case reported to the authorities.

Of course, not all doctors are like Dr. Kenneth Tan, but as far as I am aware, many cases are just brushed off as ‘mild’, or ‘it’s just in your head’. And then there are those that think that their cases are must be rare, ‘one in a million’, since the government says that the jabs are safe. And so they don’t bother to report their issues. Not to mention that many people, especially the elderly, are probably not aware of what options they have, or how to go about doing it. And EVEN if you do get your VIFAP approved, consider if the payout can make up for the side effects that you suffer. The first tier is $2,000, second tier $10,000. We know these amounts are easily wiped out in Singapore where medical help costs an arm and a leg. And if you get the highest tier, well, that would of course also mean that your suffering is already way over the top. How much suffering is worth it? How much money is enough to pay for your permanent disability, or even death? Isn’t every single life priceless?

In the CNA article on case 1, the MOH said that “there is no credible evidence for an increased risk of heart attacks or stroke with the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines which are currently approved and offered in Singapore”.
There are two things I want to point out here. First, if we go back to look at the FDA slide that was shown accidentally, the possible adverse outcomes do include stroke, myocarditis/ pericarditis, among the many others. Second, are the vaccines really approved in Singapore? Have a look at this fact sheet for recipients:

In this fact sheet, apart from saying that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine may not protect everyone, they have also stated clearly that that 1) the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine, and 2) there is no HSA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. So there you have it. Either they just can’t make up their mind, or they are just plain lying.
This article on 4th Sep reports that the MOH says that it is not in MOH or HSA’s interest to hide adverse events, and that there has been no vaccine deaths in Singapore.
This was in response to the following post on Facebook:
I, too, can only see many unanswered questions.
As the government skirts around these questions and continues to assert that there are no deaths and very few injuries, commoners have come up with their own reporting system. Here are the figures as of 27 Aug. You can join the Telegram group to find out more.

Here is another bombshell. The CDC now lists vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated. If you die within 14 days after your second jab, you died an unvaccinated person. I’m speechless. How crazy can they get?
The Straits Times ran this article on 12 Jun that says 4 young men had heart inflammation and have recovered. That young men are getting heart problems after the injections is neither all right nor rare. And them trying to downplay this is atrocious.
The truth is that teenage boys are at very high risk for heart complications from the vaccines.
And look what FDA approved in June. Blood thinning medication for children?! This is madness.
Hear it from this whistleblower.
Listen to Dr. Ryan Cole explain what the vaccine really does to your body. The vaccines are causing blood clots (that cause heart problems!), fertility issues, kidney issues, lung issues and more. He also mentions that there is now a 200 times increase in myocarditis, yet they tell us that it is rare!
Here is another doctor, Dr. Charles Hoffe, explaining in detail how the vaccine causes thrombosis heart failure.
And here, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology, tells us the damage the spike protein does to the brain.
Here is Dr. Lee Merritt, on how all the animals in past experiments died.
Here is a microscope analysis.
Hear it from the nurses themselves. The vaccines are destroying people, and they are trying to cover it up.
13) EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation) and FDA Approval
The EUA, Emergency Use Authorisation, is a term that you need to know. Up until 23 Aug, all the vaccines were non-FDA-approved. Instead, they were issued under EUA.
On 23 Aug, the FDA gave Pfizer the approval, which has, needless to say, given rise to a multitude of discussions. I will get to this in more detail soon, but let’s have a look at the fact sheets of Pfizer (revised 12 Aug 2021) and of Moderna (revised 27 Aug 2021). Pfizer has since been granted approval, but let’s look at the version before the approval. If you look at the parts I have highlighted (pgs 1, 2 & 7 for Pfizer, and pgs 1 & 5 for Moderna), you can have a good overview of what EUA entails.
So why is there a need for EUA, and what implications are there? EUA comes into play because first, we are in an emergency (there is a pandemic!) and second, the vaccines are still in trials and by extension, this means that they have not tested the vaccines long enough to see if they are safe. In other words, what they are saying is, we don’t know if they are safe, but we’d like to try it on you.
Another important implication is that, under EUA, the manufacturers hold no liability if anything happens. Why? Because they were issued in an emergency. They had no choice but to use it to save you, and since they had no choice, they are not responsible for anything.

To recap, what all this means for you as the recipient of the vaccines is that if you receive the vaccination, you are part of the experiment, which they say will end in 2023 (Pfizer) and 2022 (Moderna). These are new vaccines using new technology unlike any other vaccines that have been developed so far. Not to mention that no vaccines in the past had been developed within a year. Nobody, absolutely nobody, can tell you that they are safe! (I hope you see how irresponsible it is to say that they are safe?) If you take them, you are willingly entering their labs as their guinea pigs. And since this was issued under EUA, if anything happens to you, they will not be held liable. You willingly let them experiment on you but if you suffer due to this experimentation, they can get away with it.

And here, the CEO of Moderna boasts about their bullet-train speed in making their vaccine – 2 days!
So this is also why the vaccines cannot be mandatory, because you cannot force people to become part of an experiment.
And then on 23 Aug, Pfizer was granted approval. Yay, chopped and signed, that means Pfizer is safe! Really?
Here is the press release on Pfizer’s website. And the following are two approval letters. Be ready for a roller-coaster ride. It’s all very confusing and hard to understand. I have highlighted the important points and will summarise the gist of it below, to the best of my understanding.
After the announcement, there has been a great deal of discussion on whether it really is an approval. If you tried to read the above letters you would understand why the confusion. Not only is the language convoluted, there is still mention of EUA, and to top it off, another term, BLA. BLA stands for Biologics License Application, and it is a request for permission to introduce a biologic product into interstate commerce.
So here is my understanding of the whole conundrum. The vaccine is both approved and unapproved. How so? Because there are actually TWO vaccines that they are talking about. One is Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the other is COMIRNATY. COMIRNATY has been approved, while Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is still under EUA (they were given an extended EUA). Yet here is the next incredible thing. In the second letter, we see that COMIRNATY has been granted the BLA. In other words, COMIRNATY has not been manufactured!
If you find it impossible, well, I think you are right, because this whole thing is too far-fetched. I might have not gotten all the facts correct, but I don’t think I am too far from the truth either.
But then here is another twist. COMIRNATY is not yet available in the US, but it has already been introduced in some other parts of the world, including Singapore.

So there are two vaccines. One has been given an extended EUA, the other an approval (which by the way has not yet been manufactured for delivery in the US, but miraculously may have been injected into other humans in some parts of the world.) I honestly don’t know what to make of this. And the magic of it all? They are the same vaccine, just having different labels! If the above update from MOH is not clear enough, here is the COMIRNATY fact sheet that says unequivocally that they are the same thing, just having different names. “… have the same formulation and can be used interchangeably…”
Why did they create such confusion? The only possible answer is the question itself – the intention is simply to create confusion, to create the following scenario. People now think that Pfizer is safe (hey, it is FDA approved!), rush to go for the jab, or even believe that it is now appropriate for vaccination to be mandatory.
This is one woman who had waited for the FDA approval.
And here are some places that are now forcing people to take the jab.

The common folks clamber to get the shot or make others take the shot, but what does it mean for Pfizer, apart from raking in more profits? What matters to them is that they can still be free from legal repercussions. “The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.” So that means, you go for the jab under the impression that it is an approved vaccine. But who knows if you are given COMIRNATY or Pfizer-BioNTech? (They can be used interchangeably remember?) This is especially so for those parts of the world that do not yet have COMIRNATY. And if something happens to you, and you happen to have been given Pfizer-BioNTech (the EUA version) rather than the approved version (COMIRNATY), they have no liability. (To be honest, they will still wriggle their way out even if you had been given the approved COMIRNATY and you get sick or die.)

The above sounds like just a freaky plot, but, that is not the most important thing. The most important thing that we have been distracted away from is, WHY was the vaccine approved? Has it passed some stringent tests? Hey, the trial period is not going to end officially until 2023. There are still a lot of things that they refuse to reveal or admit. What about the staggering numbers of the injuries and deaths? There is no reason why it should be approved! Approved or not, it is still the same dodgy jab! Just imagine a serial killer who has been given the title of, say, a knight. Do we miraculously trust him? It’s still the same person!
And remember, there are more than 300 drugs that have been recalled by the FDA, and those drugs had previously, of course, been approved. What pattern do you see? Take FDA’s drug approval with more than a pinch of salt!
Do you see the multiple layers of deception? Do you get that this is a whole new level of fraud? It is a huge crime that is taking place right before our eyes and we don’t see it!
Here is a piece condemning the approval. And a few videos to help you understand it a little better if you are interested.
Before we move on to the next point, see what Bill Gates said about the safety of the vaccines. (Hint: His body language is quite interesting to watch.)
And here is another historical perspective.

In 1976 the Swine Flu vaccine was halted because 32 deaths occurred from the vaccine. If you are interested, check out this documentary on the Swine Flu vaccine back then. The similarities to what we are seeing now is chilling. Fast forward to today. The figure of 10,991 people (from the US alone) is outdated. On 13 August it was 13,068, and the number is increasing day by day very quickly.
Last year, MOH ceased the use of two flu vaccines after deaths were reported. Even though “South Korean health authorities said they have found no direct link between the deaths and the flu shots.” MOH said that “This is a precautionary measure following reported deaths after influenza vaccination in South Korea.”
Yet even though the number of deaths from the Covid vaccines is an all time high in human history, the drive for more vaccinations is accelerating. It seems that all sensibility has vanished all of a sudden. It blows my mind how people no longer see the sanctity of human lives.
There seems to be people who, even after learning that they will be part of an experiment, feel rather happy because they think they are ‘doing their part’ and it is ‘for the greater good’. Well, I understand the joy in that, but having seen the horrible side effects, the deception that they have employed to get you into the experiment, the way they make sure they will never have to take responsibility, and the simple fact that Covid has a high survival rate, I hope you realise that it is foolish to sacrifice yourself ‘for the greater good’. The world does not need your sacrifice, and your life is way more important than you realise. You deserve better. If you still insist that you want to take the dangerous path and be the guinea pig to ‘better serve humanity’, it’s your choice so go ahead, but be responsible and keep that choice to yourself. Don’t drag other fellow humans down.
14) Natural Immunity Vs Vaccine Immunity
We have been rammed down our throats the idea that our own natural immunity is not as effective as the vaccine. They keep telling us that even if you had Covid and recovered from it, you are still susceptible and therefore, no matter what, everybody needs the vaccine. Because the vaccine is superior to our own natural immunity. But after the many months of mass inoculation, the facts have shown us that the vaccine has not been able to give us immunity. Many doctors are saying that not only does the vaccine not give the desired protection, it makes things worse. There have been many studies comparing natural immunity vs vaccine immunity.
Here is viral immunology professor Dr. Byram Bridle explaining that not only is there no pandemic of the unvaccinated like what the CDC, Dr. Fauci, Biden and the gang are saying, it is actually the vaccines that are driving the new variants. He also talks about how natural immunity is ‘very potent, long-lasting, and importantly, in the context of novel variants, is very broad in its scope.‘
Hear it from the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone on how the vaccine makes the virus more dangerous.
Here is Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on why people who have already recovered from Covid should not get the jab.
Here is Dr. Christina Parks, a Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology testifying that the vaccine does not prevent transmission.
The politicians who don’t know the science are pushing us to get more and more shots and they are doing so not to protect us from illness, but to push their own agenda. This critic details how WHO shamelessly change their definition of ‘herd immunity’ and obliterate natural immunity, just to suit their propaganda.

Here are more studies and reports on how natural immunity is a lot more effective than vaccines. In one large study in Israel, natural immunity is shown to be 13 times more potent than vaccine immunity. (Click on images for links.)
Now let’s look at how Singapore is faring and what our leaders have been saying. In December 2020, they said that 80% of us had to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Then in August 2021, just as Singapore was reaching the targeted 80%, Minister Lawrence Wong said that herd immunity was not achievable.

We are being lead by politicians who have no science to back up their directives, and who do not have our interests in mind. It’s not an overstatement to say that we are in quite grave danger.
15) To Mask Or Not To Mask?
Today, the official stance (well, more or less official) on mask wearing is that even the fully vaccinated should mask up.

So even if by rights you shouldn’t catch or transmit the virus, you still shouldn’t ditch the mask. Because… err, well, you still can catch or transmit the virus. But anyway, the topic of this section is the efficacy of the mask, not the vaccine.
For the past one year plus, we have been conditioned to believe that wearing a mask is a social responsibility, because it protects you and I. I wear my mask for you, and you wear yours for me. So anybody who does not wear one is a pest to society that has to be eradicated.

Let’s go back to April 2020 and recall what the expert told us back then.

Dr. Dale Fisher told us that we didn’t need a mask if we were well. But after more than a year, we now know the mask regulations flip flop like the prata. Nobody does this flip flop messaging better than Dr. Fauci.
Not only is he unsure about masking up or not, he is apparently also not sure if wearing two masks work or not.
He seems to be really having fun saying whatever that comes to mind, dictating what we should or should not do with every single nonsense he spouts. I have to admit despite the evil of it all, I find him quite entertaining. He even admitted at one point that even though he was vaccinated, he still wore a mask in order not to give mixed signals. That is, the mask was just for show. Anyway it is clear that he has no science to back up what he says and is just randomly babbling nonsense along the way. Yet we are supposed to listen to his advice?
Since this group of experts can’t seem to decide, let’s hear from another group. Here is Dr. Teryn Clarke during her speech at the White Coat Summit. She reveals that there was already a study four decades ago that proved masks, whether cloth material or N95, make no difference. But that study was unfortunately retracted. Listen for yourself the reason why.
If you want visible proof, here is Dr. Byram Bridle demonstrating to us how masks simply don’t work.
And here is another demonstration, by Dr. Ted Noel.
And it seems that actually, Fauci knows it too. Either he knows there is no virus, or he knows the mask doesn’t work. Which do you prefer to believe?
Here is proof from Sweden, that has had the Covid under control, with no mask mandates or lockdowns.
It’s not too bad if it’s just not effective, perhaps we could tolerate the baloney just so that we can carry on with our lives. (Though of course, there is no reason why we should let people make fools of us like their playthings.) But what if it’s actually harmful? Listen to Matt Walsh, and see if you agree that the mask should be banned.
In this video, we see that the carbon dioxide that we are inhaling when wearing a mask does reach an extremely toxic level.
Here is a very passionate German doctor who spoke up against mask wearing, especially for children.
I tried to look up more about Dr. Bodo Schiffmann. Apparently, he was a very strong opponent of the mask mandate. Here is another video he made. Here, his birthday celebration was invaded by a group of police on the grounds of his not wearing a mask. I haven’t been able to find out more, other than, very sadly, it seems that has passed away around Mar 2021. As to why and how, I have no idea.
Here is another prominent professor, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, on the harms of masks, and that those who coerce or force people to do such a harmful thing is punishable by law.
The dangers of the mask does not end with the obvious physical harms. There is a sinister side to it, which is more powerful than anything else, that most people don’t see. Mask wearing will have to continue, and here is why.
The mask is a psychological weapon that tricks us into believing that we are in constant danger. It cripples us so that we feel we are trapped.
I try my best to be serious, especially since this is such a serious topic. But sometimes I can’t help it.

The story of the mask is not yet finished. The unmasking will be continued, so read on.
16) Blame The Variants, Push The Boosters
It’s all the Delta variant’s fault that the vaccines are not working. It’s too infectious, just too dangerous. So two shots are not enough and we need to get a third one. (But we are smart enough to know by now that it’s not the variants’ fault, it’s the vaccine’s fault.)
Here is Justin Trudeau who took the fake jab preparing the boosters for Canadians for the next few years.
You have only just started to sit back and relax, having redeemed your freedoms by letting them poke you twice, but now they tell you that your privilege is expiring. And if you think that the third shot will put an end to this, think again.

The cold hard truth is that the boosters will not end. The next booster will expire sooner than the previous, and what expires next will either be the last shot you took, or your life itself. The vaccines cripple your immunity, which is why the number of infections is so high among the vaccinated. Your immunity will get weaker and weaker as you get more boosters.
It is glaringly obvious that the worldwide jabbing program is a huge failure. The vaccine does not protect you from getting infected, neither does it prevent you from infecting others. Yet the governments all over the world are adamant that we all get jabbed. There is no science, no logic, no sense. They literally die die must poke us till we die!
See you in Part 3, where the real story begins. But before that, watch this.