Making Sense of Covid – Part 1
The Covid situation has been one huge cloudy mess of fear, confusion and chaos enveloping the whole world. Many of us have pinned our hopes on the vaccine as the solution, even though we don’t know much about the virus, much less the vaccine. I am deeply alarmed by the magnitude and depth of the darkness that has engulfed every one of us on earth. Despite my not wanting to be involved with the world, this is not the time to just sit back and let the crazy world do its crazy things while I mind my own business. And so I have been educating myself with fervour about the whole parody playing out before us. I don’t know what else I could do other than penning things down.
I am writing as a concerned Singaporean, but what I share is global. From the big picture perspective, everything that is going on in different parts of the world goes by the same playbook, with variants that are subject to the situations of the individual countries. Things that are happening in other parts of the world will eventually happen here, and similarly what is happening now in Singapore will unfold in yet other parts of the world.
The subject is extremely huge and complex, so I have divided it into 5 parts. What I am going to write will be hard to accept for many. The further you read, the more open and stronger minded you have to be. To truly protect yourself, I hope that you read right up to the last part, because without having the big picture in mind, it would be hard to find your way, make your stand and stay strong amidst all the confusion. I myself am overwhelmed by the copious amount of data and information and am still trying to understand a lot of what I am seeing. I am only sharing as much and as clearly as I can, in the hope that this will help push the reader to do more research and independent thinking by themselves.
A word of caution: In the course of reading there may be times that you want to google on what I have written. And you might either come across ‘independent fact checkers’ debunking the information, or simply find it hard to find whatever you want to find. Don’t be too easy on the ‘fact checkers’. I can label myself as an independent fact checker too, and so can you. Except that while they get fed with big money, we don’t. Google manipulates your search results, and show you what they want you to see, not what you want to find, so don’t trust Google. Search with alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo.
Note (1 Oct 2021): I started collecting the information and data early Aug, began writing in mid Aug, but only finished writing on 30 Sep. I knew there was a lot to cover, but hadn’t expected it to be so mentally exhausting and time consuming, to such an extent. While writing I had to cut down on keeping up with the new information coming in, as I could not balance the massive influx with my own already colossal data that needed a lot of organising and more active thinking and researching. In case you find any of what I have written a little lacking in connectivity, this is the reason.
Note (6 Oct 2021): Please don’t jump straight to Part 5. I gave deep thought into planning the sections so that you can understand what is really happening. If you jump straight to Part 5, you might as well not read anything.
1) The Missing Flu
Since the first case in 23 Jan 2020 up till 15 Aug 2021, there were 44 cases of death from Covid in Singapore. Whenever they announce a new death, we are reminded that it is a scary disease. But did you know that on average, there are 800 flu deaths in Singapore per year? We had 44 Covid deaths in more than 1.5 years, compared to 800 flu deaths every year previously. Obviously the flu is WAY more deadly. But there was never a pandemic of the flu. We lived our lives as normal. Why is Covid a pandemic, when the death rate is comparatively very low?
Here’s another set of statistics from this website. There were 6,132 deaths from influenza and pneumonia in Singapore in 2018. We were never concerned about flu or pneumonia that had 6,132 deaths in a year, yet now we are constantly told to be fearful of a virus that took 44 lives in more than 1.5 years.

What is even more astonishing is that, since the Covid ‘pandemic’ started, the flu has miraculously vanished. So they want us to believe that this is due to lockdowns, masks, frequent hand-washing, in addition to reduced travelling. To the discerning eye, I’m sure this is not a convincing theory. We know from looking around ourselves that while there are many that clean themselves religiously, there are many others that are very casual and perfunctory about it. And the masks do not offer protection, which we will see later on. It would surprise you even more to know that it is not just Singapore where flu cases have vanished. This seems to be a widespread phenomenon.

Where has the flu gone to? I think it is reasonable to suspect that the flu cases have been relabeled as Covid.
2) Fraudulent Tests
The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test that has been deemed the ‘gold standard’ of testing has been repeatedly pointed out by scientists and doctors to be flawed and unfit as a way to detect Covid. In fact, the inventor of the PCR, Dr Kary Mullis (who died unexpectedly and suspiciously before the Covid outbreak), had said categorically that the PCR wasn’t designed to test for a virus. He said that ‘you can find almost anything in anybody’ using the device, depending on how high you turn it up. That means, the vast majority of ‘cases’ that the PCR has picked up are false positives. The PCR cannot distinguish between flu and Covid.
Interestingly, the PCR is not even FDA approved as a test method. It is only being authorised for use under EUA (Emergency Use Authorisation). How can something not approved be the standard method used worldwide?

Another test that we are familiar with, the ART (Antigen Rapid Test) test, gives even more false positives than PCR, according to MOH themselves.

Here are some more videos that show how untrustworthy these tests are. Let’s start from a funny one, from President John Magufuli of Tanzania, who sent fake test samples to the lab, and many came back positive.
And here is one explaining the science of PCR.
Here is one on how they do ‘pooled testing’, which is shocking and downright despicable. Essentially what that means is, your sample could be tested with another group of people, and your result may not be really yours. You may test positive, simply because you were put in a group that had one real positive case. I am not sure if this has been done in Singapore, but you can never dismiss the possibility.
3) Inflating Covid Numbers
As we have seen from the last two points, the number of Covid cases has been hugely inflated at will, just so to create a false sense of pandemic. This is done by using unsuitable test methods, and merging flu cases with Covid cases. There is yet another way they do this.
Here is Dr. Ngozi Ezike on what constitutes ‘Covid death’. She literally said that if you died of a clear alternate cause, but if you had Covid at the same time, it is still listed as a Covid death. She is outright telling us that they are pumping up the numbers as much as they can!
And here is Dr Miguel Escobar explaining how the real Covid scenario is totally different from what we have been led to believe.
Watch this. Doctors and hospitals are heavily incentivised to list deaths as Covid!
Here is an article on the CDC admitting they did overcount Covid cases.
Some posts from common folks verifying this practice. (Swipe/click left/right)
4) The Cat Posed As A Tiger
The fear-mongering campaign goes full out. Here are some LOL clips.
And in this video, a Covid ‘patient’ on ventilator is actually a mannequin. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are lying, it does beg the question of whether the situation is truly that dire. Is there such a dearth in cases that they had to resort to showing a fake scenario? Or did they really think that viewers would not spot the fake human?
5) The ‘Deadly’ Virus With A High Survival Rate Of 99.934%
If we analyse the figures on the MOH website, the survival rate is a whooping 99.934% in Singapore.
As of 14 Aug, there were 64,449 discharged cases, 1,406 active cases, and 44 deaths. So there was a total of 66,075 Covid cases, and 44 deaths. That calculates to a survival rate of 99.934%!

Interestingly though, the past couple of weeks had seen a sudden surge in deaths (50 deaths as of 23 Aug). I shall not try to analyse or make groundless guesses, but I have to say that it is quite peculiar. Regardless, the survival rate remains at over 99%.
So perhaps Singapore has done exceptionally well, what about the rest of the world? Taking figures from this website, as of 14 Aug, there were 207,339,432 cases and 4,364,053 deaths worldwide. That would be 2.104% death rate, 97.895% survival rate.

If 99.934% (or 97.895% globally) of the people who are infected recover from it, how deadly can it be?
Here is more perspective for you. The odds of dying from Covid by age group, and what those odds are comparable to. For example, if you are below 19 years old, the odds of dying from Covid is similar to that of dying from s sharp object. If you are in your thirties, it is similar to that of dying from choking on food. These are all dangers that are always present, but we still live our lives as we should. We stay vigilant and keep sharp objects away from children, chew properly when eating, that’s it. The fear towards Covid is irrational.

More perspective here:

The number of deaths from Covid up till March stood at 2.7 million. If we take the figure I showed above, we had 4.36 million Covid deaths in August. That is still less than 0.06% of the whole human population, and not even close to HIV, which had 30 million deaths. Covid pales in comparison with the pandemics of the past. But the mayhem and total upheaval it has caused is unprecedented and illogical.
6) Cheap Treatments Available But Unavailable
You must have heard of hydroxychloroquine, which was touted as a possible game changer against Covid, and which Trump highly recommended. However, very quickly this was slammed by the mainstream media to be false. The status of hydroxychloroquine fell as fast as it rose. Instead of becoming the saviour for Covid patients, it turned into a dangerous drug that must be avoided. WHO states that they do not recommend it. For the record, it is FDA approved, and has been around since 1955 for malaria and rheumatoid arthritis. But the mainstream media and big pharma want to confuse us and make us think that it is unsafe and unapproved. If you are interested, this article explains the confusion very well.
There was even a large-scale study right here in Singapore that showed hydroxychloroquine reduces spread of Covid. Yet nothing followed up after that. There is no recommendation by the authorities to use it.

Other than hydroxychloroquine, other treatments like Ivermectin, Avrocil, zinc, vitamin C, etc, have also been found to be very useful. Like hydroxychloroquine, these have also been suppressed by the mainstream media. Notably, Ivermectin has been vehemently discredited and banned.
Let’s have a look at just a few of the countless testimonies of these suppressed treatments.
Despite so many testimonies of how easily Covid can be treated by these simple remedies, governments all over the world are making it super hard for people to get these medicines.
And if this is not mind-boggling enough, look at this disturbing case of a hydroxychloroquine plant in Taiwan that blew up. I have to say it looks like a scene straight out of a K-drama.
India was saved by Ivermectin, but the media has been creepily quiet about it. In the beginning of 2021, India had 414,000 cases and over 4,000 deaths per day, but within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, the numbers vanished. Read more here.

Let’s also compare India, where there is partial use of Ivermectin, with Singapore, where using Iverectin is taboo.

Here is a WSJ write-up on why Ivermectin is being attacked.
This article cites a study that shows Ivermectin could treat Covid for under $1 a day.
Things are getting more ridiculous recently, with a sudden rise in warnings against using Ivermectin, which they say, is for animals, not for humans. Singapore has even gone so far to say that it is illegal to sell Ivermectin for Covid. Let’s just be clear here. Ivermectin is a Nobel Prize winning drug, on WHO’s list of ESSENTIAL medicines. And they are manufactured for both humans and animals. Would there be a Nobel Prize for a drug meant just for animals? Would a drug meant for animals be put on the list of essential medicines? Why was there no warning before, but now that more and more people are starting to see that Covid can be cured and stopped easily, there is suddenly an outburst of articles against Ivermectin?

You can buy Ivermectin for your horse, and Ivermectin for yourself. No confusion here.

To further allay your doubts, here is Dr. Haruo Ozaki, Chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Assocaition, recommending Ivermectin to all COVID patients at a press conference on 9 Feb 2021. He compares countries in Africa that distribute Ivermectin regularly to the people to prevent parasitic diseases, with countries that do not, and how the Covid situations differ among those countries.
More recently, in this article on 19 Aug, Dr. Haruo Ozaki says this about the authorities discouraging the use of Ivermectin: “But [Merck] says ivermectin doesn’t work, so there shouldn’t be any need to limit the supply. If it doesn’t work, there’s no demand. It looks like we’re blocking supply because we believe it’s going to work.” (This translation is from this article here.)
Find out more about Ivermectin from this petition here, and if you believe Singaporeans should have access to it, sign it!
Covid has been made to look a lot more scary than it really is. It is treatable with cheap and effective drugs, yet the governments all over the world tell us otherwise, that it is super infectious and ultra deadly, and there is no effective treatment to combat it. We keep hearing that the only way out is the vaccines. We have not been shown the facts. We have been misled. Is it simply because the governments worldwide are simply incompetent and therefore mishandling the situation? You might prefer to think so, but deep down, there is probably a nagging sense that things are not so simple.
It is hard to hard to believe, but yes, we have all been fooled. Big time. On the grandest scale ever in history. The whole world has been played. By the governments they trust and rely upon.
We are not in the middle of a pandemic. We are in the middle of a scamdemic. Or, a plandemic.
Don’t believe me? Find out more in the Part 2.